About EFMB

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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

June 4

Hola familias! Spanish class began with a review of  basic Spanish vocabulary. They went on to learn about farm animals. The final segment of class celebrated our last day of the year! The fiesta began with delicious items brought by various students and their familias - muchas gracias! Senor Jacobo then prepared and manned a brightly colored star pinata with treats and a bouncy ball for each child! At the very end we sang "Adios Amigos" - good bye friends and Senor Jacobo! He will be in college next year! 

HOMEWORK/TAREA: 1. Learn the farm vocabulary  2. Continue listening to the CD and learning the songbook/worksheets vocabulary, phrases and lyrics  3. Practice, practice, practice!

REMINDERS:  Consider registering for next year!!!!

I have truly enjoyed teaching your children! Thank you for entrusting me with them and thank you for investing in their Spanish education! Cindy Tinetti