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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

Learning while having much fun !!

Class of September 19, 2012

Hola Familias - Spanish has begun!!!

Senor Fabricio and I are so excited! We will be team-teaching the class!
It was wonderful to see old and new faces in our class!  Class began with a review of the rules and how to earn stars.  The children earn stars on the board by respecting Spanish-class rules, speaking Spanish in and outside of Spanish class and listening to their CD.

Today's class focused on Mexican Independence Day - yes that's right - its on the 16th of September - not El Cinco de Mayo! We sang, cheered, colored, played with baby snakes, waved Mexican flags, heard the story of the Mexican flag and shared a delicious Mexican birthday cake!

HOMEWORK/Tarea: Listen to the CD, become familiar with the music book and practice speaking Spanish!

REMINDERS: Bring a three ring binder with pockets! Sign-in and out of class!

Thank you for investing in your child's Spanish education and trusting us with your children - they are truly such a joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!