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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

miercoles 9 de abril

We came back from our break and continued discovering new words to build up new sentences by ourselves. This week, the theme was 'Easter' and our students did a very great job creating their own sentences, like "Para Pascua, yo quiero dulces de chocolate".
Then, everybody was trying to write about what came up in their mind, with again, two shining stars for a right sentence.
Those stars are now piling up on a little trophy-shaped card, no doubt it will be soon all covered !

Hasta la semana que viene !

miercoles 26 de marzo

Today we worked on creating sentences;
from a list of words around a theme, the kids then tried to make up their own sentences, with a reward of two star stickers for each right sentence.
Then relying on their acquired knowledge, our young students describe a stuffed 'monster' they had in front of their eyes, so we realized that they could easily write and say sentences like:
"Mi monstruo tiene es amarillo y tiene dos ojos negros".

It will be Spring break next week, so we'll see again in two weeks !