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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

Miércoles 19 de febrero

This lesson was an introduction to the basic conjugation of regular Spanish verbs ending in -AR. As a model, we took "hablar" that we conjugated as: yo hablo tù hablas él habla ella habla From this, your child can use a lot of -AR verbs in the present tense, and we started with some useful ones. Then, enjoying the sun, we played with words on a table outside putting into practice what we just learned. And we'll continue next week !! Hasta Luego !!

Miércoles 12 de febrero

Today we made Valentine cards for Friday, and to see how much we already knew in a playful way, we took out a Scrabble game and tried to form as many words as we could from ten letters. It is a very practical game that I recommend you to play at home, it helps your child to venture into the language, in a funny way, and to recognize words patterns. After a practice time, we then built words on the board learning how to form Spanish long words.

Miércoles o5 de febrero

Today we moved to another room and continued with a book about the Chinese New Year. We read it, learned new words and then understood the little story. From it, we wrote short sentences to get acquainted to those new words.

Miércoles 29 de enero

The children wanted to play with the Wheel of Colors; so we built a Rueda de Colores, and then, in short sentences, we tried to play with those colors. The objective is to acquire the masculine/feminine concept and to be able to build longer correct sentences. This week being the beginning of the Chinese Year of the Horse, we seized the opportunity to learn about snakes (this ending year) and horses, and to write sentences about those new words. Because it will be another New Year: ¡¡Feliz Año Nuevo!!