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Non profit association providing after school language education for children

Miércoles 22 de enero

Because we are studying in the art room, why not use what's around us to learn new things ?
So we made a Spanish "rueda de colores" to practice colors and writing sentences.
The final objective is to build up sentences using nouns, adjectives and prepositions to locate something or someone. Reviewing what has been seen so far is very useful for the next weeks.

See you next Wednesday!

Miércoles 15 de enero

Back to our normal group, we caught up on last week, with one pair reading to the other.
Then we worked on writing sentences using our high-frequency words and some other important locating prepositions. The objective is to answer a question like "Donde està el/la ... ?"
That aspect of the language will keep us busy for some classes.
Hasta la semana que viene !!

Miércoles o8 de enero

Back to our Spanish classes with a reduced number of students, so we seized the opportunity to do some reviews and to create some booklets about new stories.
From a short text, our students copied it down, worked on the understanding of new words and then tried to translate it. That way, they could realize that they could understand and read it really faster than they thought. Because they walked back home with that booklet, you can encourage your child to read it to you in order to practice reading skills.